Best Veg Diet Plan For Weight Loss For Female!

best veg diet plan for weight loss for female


The diet culture has taken the world by storm. Maintaining a diet is challenging. You have watch out what you eat, drink, and do. People need to eat right amount all required vitamins, proteins, minerals and etc., to maintain a healthy balance of their diet. A vegetarian diet is, as the name suggests, consists of all food items with the exceptions of meat, fish, poultry, and any other types of meat based food items. Read this article to prepare yourself with the best veg diet plan for weight loss as a female.

If you are looking for a diet plan to lose weight or eliminate that unwanted belly fat, a vegetarian diet might be the best one for you. They contain low in calories and carbohydrates, making it easier for people to effectively shed off that extra pounds of their body fats. However, you should start this diet plan only after consulting your physician. Because vegetarian diet may not suit everyone especially if you have prior any health issues and you need to watch out for the nutritional contents of your food.

Types of Vegetarian Diets

Types of Vegetarian Diets
  • Lacto Ovo Vegetarian: This is a vegetarian diet where people consume dairy products and eggs but does not eat meat, poultry or fish. [s]
  • Lacto Vegetarian: Under this type of vegetarian diet, the dieter can eat dairy products but excludes other non-vegetarian food items like, eggs, fish, meat and poultry.
  • Ovo Vegetarian: The Ovo vegetarian diet is one where dieters can eat eggs but does not consume dairy, meat, fish, and poultry.
  • Vegan: Vegan is a hundred percent vegetarian diet plan where people consume only pure vegetarian food items of fruits and vegetables with the absence of all meat based products that includes eggs, honey and dairy food items. 

Vegetarian Food Items That Boost Your Weight Loss

Veg Food Items That Boost Your Weight Loss

There are many reasons why people opt for a vegetarian diet. Some of which may be due to medical reasons while others opt for this diet to lose weight or stay fit in general. Regardless of the reasons, studies have found that in fact female in particular are most likely to go for a veg diet plan to maintain a healthy lifestyle or weight loss. Food items such as vegetables of any kind, seeds, fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains and etc., are found to have lower fats and calories. They are packed with balanced nutritious substances, perfect for the diet plan.

Following are some vegetarian food items that helps in women weight loss journey:

Non-starchy items

It includes vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, celery, eggplant, broccoli and zucchini

Starchy Vegetables

This includes corn, winter chayote squash, peas, and potatoes.

Fruit items

It includes apples, mango, citrus, grapes, berries, oranges, and kiwi.

Whole Grains

This includes millet, bulgur wheat, Quinoa, barley, and brown rice.

Beans and Legumes

Such as, kidney beans, green beans, pinto beans, black beans, and lentils

Nuts and Seeds

Includes sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, nut butter, cashews, and chia seeds

Lean Protein items

It includes nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs, beans, Greek yogurt, nut butter, milk, and other soy products such asedamame, tofu ,and tempeh

Healthy Fats

This includes coconut, Avocado, peanut butter, cottage cheese, nuts, olive oil, seeds and nut butter

Water and other Nutritious beverages

It includes tea or coffee and organically flavored carbonated water and other such beverages.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Vegetarians

Healthy Weight Loss Tips For Vegetarians

Here are some expert-recommended healthy recipes for a veg diet plan that will help all female to kick-start their weight loss.

Include vegetables that are rich in protein

Cultivate the habit of including vegetables that are rich in protein like, mushrooms, beans, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, edamame and etc.

Choose non-starchy vegetables to your diet

While there are some starchy vegetables that are healthy to consume in a vegetarian weight loss diet plan, it is still advisable to choose vegetables that are high in fiber and non-starchy. Some of these vegetables may include, zucchini, broccoli, and other leafy vegetables.

Make a diet chart and plan your meals

This is very important if you are on a diet plan. In fact, before you start any diet, you should make a diet chart and plan your meals. Start with how many portion size of meals you should consume daily, the food items you are having in a day, and most importantly the timings of each meals! Remember to never skip on your breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. Learn to have a heavy breakfast, a medium lunch and a light dinner!

Cut down your sugar intake

Cutting down on your sugar intake also contributes positively to your weight loss journey. For this, you have to limit your consumption on sugary items in foods and beverages.

Stay away from highly processed foods

It is a known fact that food items that are highly processed contains harmful food preservatives that is not healthy for your body and gives you more unwanted carbs and increase your calorie intake as well.

Always keep yourself hydrated

It is advisable that, when you are on a diet, you should increase the intake of your water and keep yourself hydrated all throughout the day. Consuming water is not only helpful for your survival but also plays an important role in your dietary plan. It flushes out the toxins present in your body and supports your weight loss energy.

5 Days Vegetarian Meal Plan for Weight Loss!

Vegetarian Meal Plan for Weight Loss


  • Breakfast: Begin your day by drinking detox lemon water and have oatmeal topped with seasonal fruits and some cinnamon powder
  • Lunch: A cup of brown rice with grilled tofu, tomatoes, onions, and spinach
  • Dinner: Black bean soup with Greek yogurt, whole grain bread, and a small bowl of salad
  • Snacks: A cup of green tea or any other preferred beverages with a handful of almonds and dark chocolates.


  • Breakfast: Start your day with detox lemon water. And, opt for a smoothie bowl made of mixed berries, bananas, apples, and a handful of nuts such as almonds, pumpkin, and chia seeds
  • Lunch: A bowl of burrito with brown rice, pinto beans, tomato, onion, and avocado
  • Dinner: Whole wheat flatbreads with a cup of chickpea curry and a bowl of salad. This includes slices of cucumber, carrot, and beetroot
  • Snacks: A bowl of seasonal fruits and a piece of dark chocolate.


  • Breakfast: Begin your day with chia seeds water and vegetable porridge cooked in water with herbs and fresh basil or mint leaves and a bowl of seasonal fruits
  • Lunch: An egg salad on whole grain bread with choices of mixed vegetables salad
  • Dinner: A bowl of cooked kidney beans with whole wheat flatbreads and cup of cucumber and beetroot
  • Snacks: Sun-dried fruits and pistachios.


  • Breakfast: Start your day with organic honey in lukewarm water. And, move on to legume and vegetable pancakes along with a bowl of seasonal fruit salad
  • Lunch: A bowl of assorted sautéed veggies and one cup of boiled lentils
  • Dinner: Stir fried tofu with assorted vegetables brown rice, soy sauce and honey
  • Snacks: Greek yogurt and nuts.


  • Breakfast: On the fifth day, you can begin your day with a glass of almond milk and mixed fruits and nuts smoothie
  • Lunch: Go for tofu curry cooked with mixed vegetables and include two multigrain rotisand a bowl of green salad
  • Dinner: A cup of boiled black beans with spinach, and corn salad
  • Snacks: String cheese and a cup of any beverages of your choice.

This is our 5-day veg diet plan that works fine for female in their weight loss journey. They are delicious and helps you remain full. Snacking can also help you from eating too much food at one go. However, you can also customize your veg diet plan and add other food that supports weight loss for female.

Or You can also get vegetarian food that supports weight loss delivered to your doorstep! Click Here To Learn More!