7 Best Juice Recipes To Lose Weight – Healthy & Quick

Best Juice Recipes To Lose Weight


Juicing a diet for weight loss is not a new trend. A lot of people had been filling up on healthy juice recipes as fruit and vegetable juices are not only good to lose weight but also have multiple health benefits.

After knowing the benefits of juicing surely you will love to add fresh juice to your weight loss meal plan. These healthy juices improve the digestion system, lower cholesterol levels, boost energy levels, lower your blood pressure, and are the secret to fast weight loss. Even though a liquid diet is not recommended you can include these delicious juicing recipes in your diet for healthy weight loss.

The popular recipes are an excellent choice for weight loss as they are easy to prep and no cooking time is needed. Sipping fresh juices is the best way to fill up on essential minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. With our homemade juice recipes to lose weight, you can achieve your weight loss goal in no time.

7 Best juice recipes to Lose weight

  1. Carrot juice
  2. Beet juice
  3. celery juice
  4. Cucumber Juice
  5. Green Lemonade Juice
  6. Carrot apple juice
  7. Celery cucumber green juice

Carrot juice: Recipes

Carrot juice

Carrots are low in calories and pack with fiber. Carrots are great for burning unwanted body fats as carrots contain high fiber which keep you feeling fuller so you don’t feel the need to snack on other unhealthy foods.

Having A mug of carrot juice in the morning can help clear out all the toxins as this is the best detox drink.

Recipes to make carrot Juice: Ingredients checklist

  • Take 250 grams of medium Carrot
  • Add 2 inches ginger
  • 1 Medium size lemon ( for the best refreshing drink)
  • Pour half glass of water into the juice blender

Step for prep

  • Wash the carrots and cut them into dice, peel the lemon and ginger.
  • Put all the ingredients into the blender and blend until the juice become smooth
  • Serve your carrot fresh.

Beet Root Juice: Recipe

Beet Root best juice recipes to lose weight

Beetroot is great for your cardiovascular health, lowering blood pressure, and helping you to lose weight.

Beet juice is among the healthiest juice as it contains many health benefits.

Recipes to make beet juice: Ingredients checklist

  • 1 inch of peeled ginger root
  • 1 Medium apple
  • 2 Celery stalks
  • 1 Medium carrot
  • One Small lemon
  • 1 Small beetroot

Steps to prep

  • Wash, peel, and chopped all the ingredients
  • Place all the ingredients into the juicer ( Except lemon)
  • After the juice is ready squeeze in the lemon and stirs the mixture well
  • Serve it fresh for best taste

Celery juice

Celery juice

Celery juice, this green juice recipe has many health benefits. Drinking this delicious juice can prevent you from chronic disease, improve your digestive system, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. Celery juice also aids to weight loss, make celery juice with fresh stalks of celery to burn off the extra weight.

Recipes to make Celery juice: Ingredients Checklist

  • Stalks of celery
  • Water
  • 1 Green apple
  • 1 Tbsp of honey

Steps to prep

  • Wash and cut the celery and green apple
  • Add all the ingredients to the juicer
  • Blend well and serve fresh

Cucumber Juice

Cucumber Juice recipes to lose weight

Cucumber juice is everyone’s favorite juice in summer. Since it’s super refreshing and is high in vitamins C, low in calories, and high in potassium, cucumber juice can help you lose weight faster. [s] Cucumbers are loaded with essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. This detox juice can lower your blood pressure, prevent cancer, and promotes weight loss.

Recipes to make Cucumber juice: Ingredients checklist

  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 cup of water
  • 6 Mint leaves
  • 1 Inch peeled ginger
  • 1 tbsp of sugar (Optional)

Steps to prep

  • Put the sliced cucumber, mint leaves, water, and ginger in the blender
  • Add sugar, stir well, and serves immediately

Green Lemonade Juice

Green Lemonade Juice

These healthy juicing recipes are perfect for hot summer. Green lemon juice can increase your energy levels, boost metabolism, and is great for burning fats. Lemon juice help detox our body by flushing out all the toxins in our body.

Recipes to make Green lemonade juice: Ingredients checklist

  • 1 Lemon
  • stalks of celery
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 2 small cups of spinach

Steps to prep

  • Wash all the ingredients in the running tap and pat dry
  • Cut the ingredients into small sizes, to fit in the juicer
  • Blend well and drink immediately

Carrot apple juice

Carrot apple juice: best juice recipes to lose weight

These fruits and veggie juice are not only good for your hair, skin, and nails but great detox juice with amazing health benefits. Carrot apple juice is easy to prepare and it may help lose weight faster, decrease the risk of diabetes, and excellent natural energy-boosting drink.

Recipes to make Carrot apple juice: Ingredients checklist

  • Organic carrots
  • Apples
  • Ginger
  • Oranges
  • Water (or Ice)

Steps to prep

  • Peel the oranges, cut the apples, ginger, and carrots.
  • Put all the ingredients into the juicer
  • Pour the juice into a glass and drink immediately

Celery cucumber green juice

Celery cucumber green juice

This green juice recipes provide multivitamins and essential minerals. Such as vitamin A and k, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, Celery cucumber juice is refreshing and can keep your body hydrating in hot summer additionally this green juice promotes weight loss.

Recipes to make celery cucumber juice: Ingredients checklist

  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Green apple
  • lemon
  • Ginger root

Steps to prep

  • Cut or slice the ingredients to fit in the blender or juicer
  • Squeeze the lemon into the blend
  • Mix well and serve


Fruits and vegetable juices are refreshing, healthy and in a single serving, you could get all the essential minerals that our body needs. All these healthy juice are great for weight loss and can improve your overall health.