Healthy Food Diet To Lose Weight – 11 Foods You Should Be Eating

healthy food diet to lose weight

Getting Started…

Losing weight is not easy for everyone it is also known as one of the hardest goals to achieve. It’s not impossible to lose weight even though I agree it is hard to. Maintaining a healthy weight is beneficial for both mental and physical health. If your goal is to lose weight in the most healthy way you will find this article helpful as we are exposing the secret food to lose weight faster with a heart-healthy diet.

Good food choices with a fewer calories diet plan can help you in weight management. All these fat-burning foods like greek yogurt, beans, peppers, leafy greens, etc, aids weight loss.

11 Foods to eat for healthy weight loss

Start your Weight loss journey with these healthy diet food to lose weight…

1. Leafy green

Leafy green

When it comes to healthy eating to lose weight, Leafy green diet is of the top best food for healthy weight loss. As leafy greens are high in vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Leafy greens have multiple health benefits including lower heart disease, high blood pressure, and obesity. [s]

The thylakoids in plants make you feel fuller and have better hunger management. Adding leafy greens like broccoli, kale, swiss chard, Mustard greens, spinach can make you feel fuller and reduce the feeling of hunger.

2. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are highly nutritious, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, and low carb. These seeds are easy to prepare, you can sprinkle chia into your oatmeal, yogurt, fruit smoothies, fruit juices, etc. These rich nutrients contain food that promotes weight loss.

3. Greek yogurts

Greek yogurts

Greek yogurts have been scientifically proven to promote losing weight. This protein-rich food makes you feel fuller for a longer time. Greek yogurt is low in fats, calories and high in protein. Additionally, it’s rich in probiotics which is a must to keep your gut healthy.

If you want to get rid of those stubborn belly fats you should add these belly fat-burning foods into your weight loss diet meal plan. ( Eat yogurt for your gut health)

4. Sweet potato

sweet potato: healthy food diet to lose weight

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber. They form gel-like in your stomach which can help you feel satiated for a longer time and reduce cravings for food. This fiber-loaded food is considered the most filling food which helps in weight loss.

Sweet potatoes are low in carbs and rich in fiber which makes them a perfect food choice for healthy weight loss. A serving of sweet potatoes can provide you with high energy to keep you going throughout the day.

5. Green Tea

Green Tea

According to studies and research green tea have numerous health benefits including lower cholesterol, healthy gut, anti-inflammatory, and weight loss. If you are looking for a weight loss solution or quickly  burn those belly fat, brew yourself some green tea. To lose weight more effectively you should at least drink 3 cups of green tea in a day.

6. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Most dairy products are high in calcium and protein, Cottage cheese is rich in protein and low fat. This high content protein food can help you feel satiating and lower cravings for food. High in protein and low in calories make cottage cheese an ideal food for weight loss. You can add cottage cheese to your daily meal plan diet or food to lose weight healthy and effectively.

7. Apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar: healthy food diet to lose weight

Apple cider vinegar diet does it really work? Yes, according to some research it has been proven that ACV benefits include weight loss. We have been using this ACV as a health tonic for many years, another commendable health benefit of ACV is it can lower blood sugar levels. Since ACV is high in acidity you should also dilute it before sipping on it. This diet plan is worth a try if you are looking for easy healthy weight loss.

 If you have high blood pressure levels apple cider vinegar diet is not suitable for you as it lowers potassium.

8. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables; healthy food diet to lose weight

Cruciferous vegetables include Radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts all coming from the brassica genus. These vegetables are also an excellent source of vitamins, folate, fiber, and anti-oxidants.

Cruciferous vegetables have numerous health benefits and they also promote weight loss. Your daily meal servings should include these vegetables. [s]

9. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate: healthy food diet to lose weight

According to nutritionist experts, dark chocolate lowers sugar cravings, boosts metabolism, and can help your body feel satisfied and feeling fuller. Dark chocolate is not recommended for daily intake as they are high in calories. Well, you can consume dark chocolate as a healthy snack whenever you crave something sweet.

10. Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables - healthy food diet to lose weight

Fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These nutrient-dense food are not just delicious but they are essential for our health. Fruit and vegetables are the best dietary food for the weight loss journey, as they are low in calories and high in nutrients.

Fruits can help you feel fuller and lowers food cravings. To get all the needed nutrients in our body we should eat all types of fruits and vegetables. To lose weight healthily, try to consume at least 4-5 colorful servings of fruits and vegetables.

11. Lean protein foods

Lean protein foods

According to science Protein is vital for our overall health. That is why you should include protein-rich foods on your diet meal plan. [s] Some of the best lean protein foods are Turkey, plain greek yogurt, chicken breast, Salmon, cottage cheese, eggs, beans, and legumes.


As we all know there is no shortcut to losing weight. However, one of the best ways to lose weight is by eating a portion of a healthy food diet that is good for fat burning and has multiple health benefits.

The above foods are some of the best healthy foods for weight loss which will definitely help you lose weight effectively while improving your overall health. Fill your pantry with lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, plant-based proteins foods, leafy greens, high fiber food, and start your weight loss journey today.

To reach your weight loss goals your daily physical activity is as important as diet-rich foods because you need to burn off the extra calories.