14 Easy Healthy Snacks To Lose Weight

Easy Healthy Snacks To Lose Weight


Weight loss is one of the hardest things this is the universal truth, and the urge to lose those extra pounds can be understood only by those people who are on the same page. In this modern world, almost everybody is looking to lose weight. With more busy schedules coming up, we are all looking for easy and healthy snacks to lose weight or keep it in check.

Weight loss is about trying to look good, what’s more, important about losing weight is to keep ourselves physically fit and improve our overall health. Many people are not aware of the fact that being overweight can cause several health issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and high cholesterol.

You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight, with our list of healthy snacks to lose weight you can get rid of those extra weights and improve your overall health. Your weight loss goals should not be so hard to follow and don’t push yourself too hard trying to lose weight in a short period of time. Instead, think about other healthy ways to lose weight. Snacking on healthy foods may help to lose weight quicker and more effectively.


14 Healthy Snacks For Weight

Here is a list of easy and healthy snacks to eat to lose weight easily. Add them to your diet to help you in the weight loss journey.

1. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate - easy healthy snacks to lose weight

Who says you have to skip all your favorite food to lose weight? Dark chocolates contain antioxidants, magnesium, and iron. A square or a spoon of dark chocolate serving can be satisfying and make you feel fuller.

2. Celery sticks

Celery sticks

Celery is high in antioxidants and fiber. This high fiber plant is beneficial for your overall health, as they can improve your metabolism, lower blood pressure, and prevent cancer.

3. Chia pudding

Chia pudding

Chia seeds are packed with Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, proteins, and fiber. They become jelly-like after being soaked in liquid, chia seeds are also considered one of the best puddings ingredients as they become gel-like consistency.

Add some chia seeds into your pudding for super healthy and easy weight loss.

4. Kale chips

Kale chips

Kale is super healthy, kale is an excellent source of minerals, and is stacked with antioxidants and fiber. It is also perfectly healthy food for the entire snacks lover to lose weight.

5. Roasted chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas

Talking about healthy snacks, these crunchy chickpeas are among my favorite healthy snacks for weight loss.

Chickpeas are high in fiber and plant-based protein. This makes chickpeas a very good healthy snack for weight loss.

6. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is loaded with protein, Cottage cheese can make feel fuller for a longer. You can make your own healthy fruit salad and add some cottage cheese to it for a delightful and filling snack.

7. Greek yogurt

Plain greek yogurt is a good source of protein. Greek yogurt can be eaten alone or You also can enjoy greek yogurt with fruits, or use them as crackers or bread spread. Greek yogurt has multiple health benefits such as improving digestive health, burning belly fats quicker, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of diabetes, and Boosting immunity.

8. Nut butter

nut butter - easy healthy snacks to lose weight

Nut butter like Almond butter, sunflower seeds, and natural peanut butter are all nutritious and super healthy.

If you are looking for the best nut butter for weight loss almond butter might be the best option for you as almonds contain a higher amount of fiber when compared with peanuts.

9. Homemade Trail mix

Homemade Trail mix

Homemade trail mixes are easy to make and delicious snacks. Trail mixes are super satisfying, healthy, and filling, which is why they’re your go-to snacks. Trail mixes are easy to make, all you need to do is mix all your favorite dried fruits, nuts, and other ingredients like popcorn, chocolate chips, crunchy chickpeas, coconut, etc.

10. White beans

White beans - easy healthy snacks to lose weight

White beans are loaded with good sources of fiber and protein. They are also rich in iron, folate, and copper. White beans have many health benefits it lowers cholesterol, improves digestive health and heart health.

This high fiber snack is filling and can keep you feeling fuller for a longer duration. White beans are a good snack option for high protein snacks to eat for healthy weight loss.

11. Air-popped popcorn

Air-popped popcorn

Air-popped popcorn is high in fiber and is among the 10 most healthy snacks for weight loss. Popcorn is low in calories and high in fiber. When you are craving snacks you can air-popped a handful of popcorn and enjoy. This high dietary fiber food is a good substitute for other high-calorie snacks.

12. Baked sweet potato

Baked sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, and antioxidants, Including good carbs. They are also among the favorite healthy snack for every sportsperson as sweet potatoes provides energy to keep them active and healthy.

Sweet potatoes are scientifically proven to lose weight. So, if you are looking for a snack that can keep

you feeling fuller and boost your energy levels as well as is great for weight loss. Include this delicious healthy snack in your weight loss plans.

13. Dried fruit

Dried fruit - easy healthy snacks to lose weight

Dried fruits are highly nutritional and they’re considered the most healthy snacks due to the healthy nutrients we get. They are also great for boosting metabolism, so they can help you lose weight quicker.Add these dried fruits to your diet for quick weight loss: Almond, Walnuts, Brazil nuts, Dates, cashews, Pistachios, Apricots, Raisins, Prunes, and black currant.

14. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are high in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and fiber. You can enjoy this healthy food by adding them to your homemade trail mix, salads, oatmeal, fruit smoothie, and other dishes.



We often neglect our health while trying to lose weight, to achieve your goals to lose weight you don’t have to ignore all the healthy food and snacks that might actually help you lose weight more efficiently.

The above mention Rich fiber foods can keep you feeling fuller for a longer time so you won’t be eating untimely and additionally safe from overeating. When choosing your snacks, go for the one with high protein snacks, and fiber.