12 Important Healthy Eating Diet For Weight Loss

Healthy Eating Weight Loss Diet

A diet that contributes in maintaining or improving the overall health of a person is what we call a healthy diet. To this day, there are multiple ways and diet for weight loss or to reduce weight but the most efficient and safe way is healthy eating. Even if we spent tons of money on hiring the best trainer or in buying the most expensive equipments, or going to the best gym in town, if your diet is not healthy, it is of no use.

Healthy Eating

There is a saying, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’, and similarly, the way to weight loss is through a healthy eating diet. When we talk about a healthy diet, it includes all the essential nutrition that our body requires for all-round development. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc are all inclusive in a healthy diet. And we can acquire them animal-based foods and plant-based foods.

We are all aware of what kind of consequences an unhealthy diet has on our body. Yet as humans we fall victim of unhealthy diet and ultimately become prone to various sickness, diseases and ailments.


Major risk factors of unhealthy diet are diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, high cholesterol, abnormal blood lipids, overweight, stroke and obesity. As per WHO World Health Organization, 2.7 million deaths are recorded each year due to diet which is low in vegetables and fruits.

Fad Diets

Fad diets are certain type of publicized diets that claims fast weight loss or other health benefits. We see celebrity endorsements, also celebrity doctors who are associated with fad diets. People usually believe what they see instead of researching the real deal. Especially when there is celebrity or influencers endorsing such type, people tend to believe it. We become prey to such nuisance. We not only waste our money but also put our own health at risk. People who develop or promote them are earning a handsome amount of money on the other hand.

The 12 Important Healthy Eating Diet For Weight Loss

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2021-2025,[s] a healthy diet plan for losing weight includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free and low-fat milk products, protein, minerals, and low saturated fats.


In the following paragraph, we will see what we should be eating for healthy weight loss diet:



Vegetables are very good for your skin as well. And they have been the core contributing factor towards good health. If you resort to lose weight by eating healthy then add variety of steamed, grilled or raw vegetables in your diet. Do not add any oil or butter into it. Just consume them as they are.


healthy eating fruits for weight loss diet

Fresh fruits are a must add item to your healthy diet plan. You will find multiple varieties of fruits around you in the market. Pick the organic ones and enjoy them. An apple a day keeps the doctor away but you can always go for other fruits too like pineapple, kiwi, mango, guava, banana, avocados, dragon fruit, apples, grapefruits, etc. [s]



Eggs are known for giving out a good amount of protein. Researches and studies have found out that consumption of eggs helps in reducing weight. Eggs keep you full for a longer period of time and so you do not feel hunger quickly.


Chicken breast

chicken breast - healthy eating for  weight loss diet

Your gym trainer or fitness coach will add chicken breast to your diet plan as it is a good protein giver.

Chia Seeds

chia seeds

This item has been going around these days. It is not only a good item to lose weight but also it is helpful in gastritis issues. It is a low-carb-friendly food.  All you have to do is soak it in a glass of water and drink it after they turn into gel-like thing.



Some people dislike garlic because of the strong smell it produces but it has some good properties that can be helpful. Physicians would often suggest you eat garlic if your blood pressure is high. It is also good in the treatment of various skin infections like ringworm. Garlic cuts on fat so you need to consume them.

Sunflower seeds

sunflower seeds

They are good belly-busting food item, especially for women. Eating it and adding it to your weight loss diet helps to reduce abdominal fat in women in a healthy way.


lemon - healthy eating for weight loss diet

Sipping a cup of fresh lemon juice refreshes the body and the mind. So also, it contributes in the process of weight loss. It cuts down the fats in the body due to its citrus element present.

Black beans

black beans for healthy eating for weight loss diet

They are the ultimate weight loss food. They have macronutrient composition that keeps you satiety and they are also not high in calories.


yogurt- healthy eating weight loss diet

Yogurts are good in probiotics and it should be eaten to reduce weight. But it depends on which type you consume. There are plain ones, sweetened ones and Greek yogurt. It is advisable to consume the plain, normal one with no added sugar as it will be effective in cutting down the body fats.



Oatmeal is good for the waistline. They keep you full by absorbing water and also keep you feeling satisfied for a longer period of time as they are high in soluble water.

 Dark chocolate

dark chocolate

Chocolates are usually a “NO” thing when it comes to diet as they are very rich in fats. But, it is interesting that dark chocolates that taste a little bitter can help you burn your belly fats. So, eating a piece or two can be good.

Check Out Noom Program, the Free Weight Watcher that coaches you and helps you to lose weight by guiding you to eat the right food according to your needs.

Bottom Line

You will find many dos and don’ts regarding eating healthy and weight loss diet. Exercise is also crucial along with healthy food. One should know the type of your own body and eat accordingly. Not all foods mentioned above will be effective for everybody. The situation may worsen for some people. For instance, if oatmeal is not helping you in reducing your weight then you can go for something alternate and see its result. Eating healthy is not a one-time deal. Even if you have reached your desired target, you should continue eating healthy or there are high chances of gaining weight again.

Also, read about the 16 Foods You must Avoid when losing weight.