What Foods To Avoid When Losing Weight? – 16 Must-Stay-Away Food

what foods to avoid when losing weight

What foods do I need to avoid while losing weight? Here are 16 different types of foods you need to avoid when losing weight. How do I eat healthy to lose weight? What food is gaining you more weight? Read this article to learn what is making you gain those extra pounds.

Let’s get started

Losing weight can be stressful at times especially if you don’t see any results. Well, you might be sweating hard to shed pounds! However, your hard work might be just getting wasted because of some foods that you eat. Physical activities do help you to lose weight but you might be gaining weight again by eating some food that is high in calories. We don’t want your hard work to go in vain, certain foods might be the reasons you’re gaining weight. So we are here to help you get rid of those foods to lose weight more effectively.

16 Worst Foods To Avoid When Losing Weight

Here are the 16 Worst foods to eat when you are trying to lose weight. Make sure to avoid this type of foods when you are on the process of losing weight. #FoodsToAvoidWhenLosingWeight

Junk food

avoid junk foods when trying to lose weight

Junk foods usually contain high calories, fats, salt, and sugar. Snacking out on pre-packaged dinner for a quick and easy way to fill your stomach can increase the risk of chronic disease and obesity. Avoid junk food to improve your overall health and lose weight more effectively by switching to eat healthy foods.

Sugar-sweetened Beverages

Sugar-sweetened Beverages

Soft drinks are associated with obesity and overweight. Sugar-sweetened Beverages can increase kidney disease, heart disease, and metabolic disorders. If you are in a habit of drinking soft drinks after your workout session to relax, you are doing it, wrong honey! Instead of sipping on those soft drinks try lemon water or just water. Make sure you stay hydrated all day long.

Processed foods

Processed foods such as granola bars, bacon, fruit snacks, flavored nuts, and microwave popcorn are must-avoid foods if you are losing weight. They can be convenient; however, they generally contain high sugar, fats, and salts. Your favorite bacon is stuffed with saturated fats. Some people think granola bars are a healthy snack sadly it is not very healthy as it is loaded with added sugar. [s]

White rice

white rice

Several studies have proved that white rice can make you gain weight. With just one serving of White rice can easily obtain a high amount of calories and carbs. Try brown rice instead of white rice as brown rice is healthier, filling, and contain a good amount of fiber and protein.

Trans fat foods

trans fat foods to avoid when losing weight

Trans fat is bad for your health, and they make you gain weight easily. You should start avoiding trans-fat foods if you are looking to lose weight.

Trans fat food you should stay away from by all means:

  • Crackers
  • Packaged breakfast
  • Cream-filled candy bars
  • Cakes
  • Dairy fats
  • Frozen foods
  • Ice cream

Fried foods

fried food to avoid when losing weight

They are crunchy and delicious, but too bad fried food can make you gain weight. In addition, fried foods are high in Trans fat and calories, especially those deep-fried foods can add more calories.

Crackers and chips

avoid crackers and chips when trying to lose weight

Crackers and potato chips are often high in calories, French fries and potato chips contain more calories, fats, and salts.

When we snack on French fries and potato chips we always end up eating way too much which basically means putting on more calories.

Refined grains

refined grains

Refined grains can direct pig out and raise the risk of obesity. In addition, refined grains are easily digested and low in fiber. A large portion size of refined grains can also cause high blood sugar levels.

Candy bars

We all love sweet treats. Smarties candies are empty calories which means it’s devoid of nutrition.

Sugary Soda

sugary soda

Sugar-sweetened drinks are the most fattening thing, that is why drinking soda can make you gain more weight, and not only that it might also lead to type 2 diabetes and increase the risk of heart diseases. According to a medical review, people who drink soda are likely to gain more weight than those who don’t drink soda.

Facts: Soda contains zero essential nutrients, just empty calories.

Ice cream

avoid ice cream when trying to lose weight

If you are an ice cream lover, ice cream might be one of the reasons you are gaining more weight. Ice creams are loaded with fats and sugar. Adding Ice cream to your meal means you are putting extra calories into your body.

Potato chips and French fries

avoid french fries and potato ships when losing weight

These types of foods contain high trans fat, salt, and tons of calories. [s]

Peanut butter

Peanut butter

A handful of roasted peanuts is full of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. But peanut butter generally contains a lot of salt, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and added sugars which make it unhealthy.

Fruit juices

avoid unhealthy fruit juices when losing weight

Fresh fruit juices are healthy and good for your health, but fruit juices that come in bottles and packages are loaded with added sugar and artificial flavor which might taste good in your mouth but not good for your health.

Hot dogs

hot dogs

 Eating processed meat like hot dogs can put extra calories into your body.

White bread

White bread

You might be thinking just two slices is nothing but too bad just two slices of white bread a day can make you gain weight and spike your blood glucose levels. #weightlosstips

Weight loss tips

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits
  • Drink lots of water
  • Say yes! To regular meals
  • Regular exercise
  • Try to get enough quality sleep
  • Never skip your breakfast

If you are looking for a healthy weight loss diet without starving yourself, READ THIS!


Gaining weight is easy but losing weight can be a challenge for many of us, especially when you are a foodie and you like eating fast foods and snacking on junk foods. Living healthy always starts with eating healthy, replace your meal with healthier options.

Start your day with a healthy breakfast, calorie count is important to lose weight in a healthy way. You don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight. There are so many healthy foods options that you can eat which are not only delicious but also help in losing weight faster.