How To Be Vegan On A Budget – Easy Vegan Recipe!

How to be Vegan on a Budget


A vegan lifestyle is much better as compared to others. Vegan is good for your body as they are rich in nutrients and are budget-friendly too. Eating vegan food can also boost your mood, helps fight against disease, and can prevent cancer. You can stay healthier; your skin will start to glow. Vegan food has many other health benefits.

According to science eating vegan food can lower the risk of heart disease, balanced blood sugar levels, and so on.

Vegetarian diets usually contain high dietary fiber and low saturated fat and cholesterol.

So eating vegan technically improves your heart health.

Vegetarian Diets are pretty much affordable and healthy as well.


Running low on budget for Vegan Food?

Here’s how you can shop for vegan food on a low budget. Before you head got go to your kitchen and make a list of all the things that you need to buy. Remember to stick to your list. Plan your meals for the week and buy according to what you will eat on which day.

1. Grocery stores

   It is better to buy at your local grocery stores as most of the grocery stores fresh veggies and fruits.

2. Farmers markets

Local farmers sell organic vegetables at a cheaper price, try to buy in bulk that way you can save money. If you are lucky enough sometimes these local farmers may also give you extra veggies.

3. Compare prices

    Comparing prices before you buy them and grab the cheaper one.

4. Buy Seasonal food

  Vegetables and fruits that are in season will be at low cost.

What Seasonal fruit to buy?

  • Summer: Peaches, Plum, Raspberries, Blackberries.
  • Fall: Cranberries, Figs, Apples, Pears.
  • Winter: Grapefruit, Oranges, Lemons.
  • Spring: Avocado, Pineapple, Mango.

Eat what is in the season as our body needs nutrients and vitamins in that particular season, you can get them at a cheaper rate since there are plenty. Try to buy in bulk, if you get a good deal don’t hesitate to toss them on your cart.

Don’t know what to eat on your vegan diet?

Here are some vegan food you can add to your meal plan.

  •  Veggie Burgers
  • Black bean and rice
  • Tomatoes Soup
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes (Beans, Lentil and chickpea)
  • Yogurt
  • Seitan
  • Kale Guacamole
  • Vegan Sausage
  • Broccoli Soup
  • Crispy Onion Rings
  • Vegan Lasagna
  • Roasted Carrot Soups
  • Nutritional Yeast
  • Canned beans
healthy vegan on a budget

Benefits of being a Vegan

Most people usually choose this vegan lifestyle because of religious restrictions, health concerns, or cruelty against animals. For whatever reason, it is, being a vegan is a good choice as you get to eat healthy food that is good for your body. A plantbased diet is the best; you can save money as most vegan foods are inexpensive.

  1. Lose weight naturally
  2. Lower Cholesterol levels
  3. Lower Blood Sugar levels
  4. Heart Healthy

Grocery Shopping Tips

Before you head out to buy make a meal plan and make a list.

Many grocery stores have an app, you can order your groceries online but before you put anything on your cart. Compare prices on different grocery apps and also purchase from the one which got discounts and offers. If there is any local farmers market nearby you can buy from them too instead of going around and wasting your time and gases. All these few cents you are saving up from scratch can add up to a big one.

When you do grocery shopping follow your weekly meal plan and buy food that you can eat for a week, if you keep going grocery shopping 3-4 times a week you will only end up spending more cash. Frozen fruit and vegetables are cheaper than fresh and contain the same amount of nutrients and vitamins.  Also, try to get a grocery membership card as you can get discounts and when you have enough points you can redeem it too.

go vegan

Prepare your own meal

Cooking and preparing food is not a cup of tea for everyone, of course, some people enjoy cooking so when it comes to cooking they will be the master of the food they are not afraid to try out new recipes. Preparing your own meal is fun indeed; you just need a bit of practice that’s it.

I love trying out different recipes I don’t like getting stuck with just one type of recipe.

Let me share with you some of the easiest, affordable vegan low budget Soup and stews recipe.

Potato Tortilla Soup

  • 1 Small onion
  • 3 Gloves garlic
  • 120-Ounce roasted tomatoes
  • 6 cups vegetable soup
  • 1 tsp Chili powder
  • 1 Jalapeno
  • 2 Sweet potatoes peeled and cubed
  • 1 cup of Sweet corn
  • 10 corn Tortillas
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado
  • Cilantro, onion, wedges lime

Meal prep For tortillas soup

  • Toss in all the soup ingredients in the cooking pot, on high heat pressurize it for 3 minutes and release the steam.
  • Slice the tortillas into small trips, on medium heat, heat the oil, and fry the strips tortillas until it becomes crispy and golden in color. Drain the excess oil in a paper towel and scatter Lil bit of salt.
  • Mix half of the strips of tortillas into the soup the other half keep it for topping. Now, put Avocado and lime and top it with half tortilla strips.

   Yallah! Your homemade sweet potato tortilla soup is ready to be served.

vegan recipe

Brown Rice and mushroom

Ingredients checklist

  • Brown rice
  • Mushroom
  • Herb Blend
  • Cashew cream
  • Onion
  • Carrot
  • Celery
  • Hemp Seeds

Meal prep

  • On medium heat, Stir fry finely chopped onion, diced carrot, cut celery until it softened.
  • Toss in minced garlic and mushrooms stir for a minute and let it cook for 7 minutes.
  • Put the brown rice and let it cook for 2 minutes, add pepper, salt, and herb blend.
  • Pour in vegetable broth blend well on low heat let it simmer for at least 50 minutes.
  • Add hemp seeds and stir well.

Ready to be served!

The food you cook at home is more healthy and hygienic, and you can save money too. So Don’t be afraid to try different cooking healthy food recipes that you can find on the internet. There are so many cooking books are there for healthy cooking and eating with easy step-by-step guides and simple recipes.

Bonus Tip

Repurpose your leftover food, don’t waste your food, and don’t just throw away your leftovers. Put your leftover food in a container and freeze leftover food and you can reheat and have it later. When I stay alone I always cook food for two serving, the half portion I’ll have it in the morning and the remaining half I’ll put it in a container and freeze it.

 It’s less work and time-saving and saves your budget if you are vegan.

Read about affordable 100% Vegan Snacks!